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Roman togas wwfm geocaching flash mob

If you don’t know about Flash Mobs or you’re not familiar with the Geocaching WWFM (World Wide Flash Mob), then be sure to read our first post, 10 Fun Ideas for a Geocaching Flash Mob (part 1).

In a nutshell, the WWFM is the annual GEOCACHING flash mob extravaganza which was started in 2007 by Team PodCacher. You can read more of the WWFM history at the Official WWFM website:

flags wwfm geocaching flash mob

As we prepare for WWFM XIII to be held on JUNE 4, 2016, we wanted to share some ideas for fun things to do at your WWFM event. These have all been featured at prior geocaching WWFM events. (Remember, don’t miss the first 10 ideas!)

  1. Bring items for beach play – to a non-beach location
  2. Everyone bring (and wave) a flag
  3. Dress in black and pretend to be ninjas
  4. Wear the colors of your favorite sports team
  5. Have a Christmas themed event (in the spring / summer)
  6. Show up wearing roman togas
  7. Perform a mock wedding
  8. Bring musical instruments and try to play a simple tune
  9. Host a dog-friendly event with doggie treats to share and give away
  10. Meet at a famous statue and pose exactly like the statue

More WWFM event ideas will be featured in future blog posts. Start making your plans for June 4, 2016 and be a part of the Geocaching WWFM!

beach toys wwfm geocaching flash mob

dog friendly wwfm geocaching flash mob


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The post 10 More Fun Ideas for a Geocaching Flash Mob (part 2) appeared first on PodCacher: Geocaching Goodness.

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