by International Associations | Oct 18, 2020 | Geocaching
The following post is the diary of AHollyS and her quest to finish the Hidden Creatures promotion, each day and each hide. I started with the best of intentions. During the promotion, I hosted several themed events, dealt with fear Read more…
by International Associations | Oct 16, 2020 | Geocaching
I’ve been geocaching for a long time – since November 2002 – but I can still remember some of my first geocache finds AND some of the mistakes I made early on. Here are 5 things I wish I knew when I first started geocaching! Don’t go in a straight...
by International Associations | Oct 15, 2020 | Geocaching
Many people travel for work or pleasure. Here are 5 reasons why you should ALWAYS devote some of your time to go geocaching when you travel. 1. Find hidden gems I’ve lived in San Diego all my life. I grew up here. I’m a local. Still, because of geocaching, I’ve been...
by International Associations | Oct 13, 2020 | Geocaching
This is a quick summary of the GeoWoodstock 14 abdomen pain incident. Episode 1 While at GeoWoodstock in Colorado, at about 1:30 PM, my abdomen / stomach began to hurt a little bit. At 2:30, we had an event at our booth at which time I was already starting to feel...
by International Associations | Oct 10, 2020 | Geocaching
A geocaching road trip can be a great way to spend a weekend (or longer) exploring new areas. Geocaching and road-tripping go together like PB and J, like beer and Pizza, like…well you get the picture. There are however several things you can do to ensure that you...
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